Somewhere in New Zealand.


my name is Daniel and I`m from a little mountainous country in the heart of Europe, called Austria. Right now, I live in our capital Vienna where I made my bachelor’s degree in zoology and my master’s degree in applied limnology. Besides that, I`m lucky to have a great job where a can work with animals from all around the world.

I started taken photos when I was a little child using an analog camera. After using a digital camera from Olympus for quite some time – experimenting, learning a lot and getting an eye for things – I switched up to a system camera, also from Olympus. Today it is my constant companion when I’m on the road.

I`m also a fisherman and love to be outside in nature, especially in and around water. That’s the reason why water plays a big role in my work – it`s just such a versatile photo object and I`m again and again fascinated by this magic substance.

Through my work and my studies, I learned a lot about our world, the organisms living on it and the fragile relationships between ecosystems. Always amazed by the diversity of live and the beauty of our planet, I`m trying to catch special moments with my camera, whether it`s in my garden our traveling around the world. You can read more about my journeys in my blog.

Thanks for reading and visiting my website and maybe we`ll meet each other someday …somewhere.


Somewhere in the Alps.
Somewhere in South America.